![]() American Association of Teachers of German |
| Constitution
Article I: Name
The name of the organization, hereinafter referred to as the NNJ AATG, shall be the Northern New Jersey Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to support teachers in their efforts to promote and improve the teaching of German language and culture and to encourage a spirit of co-operation and good fellowship among its members,
Article III: Membership
Any teacher of German and anyone interested in the teaching of German may become a member of the chapter of payment of annual dues set by the national organization. Retired teachers shall become members emeriti and pay the fee required by the national organization.
Article IV: Officers
1) The officers shall be president, vice-president, secretary, and testing chair.
2) The officers shall be elected at the spring meeting for a two year term. However, in the event of a vacancy on the executive board during a term, special elections may be held at any general meeting that is announced at least two weeks in advance.
3) Nominees for vacant posts on
the executive board may be proposed by any member of NNJ AATG by email
or in person at a general meeting. Article V: Administration
1) The administration of the chapter shall be in the hands of the executive council consisting of the officers and the past president.
2) The executive council shall report on its activities at all meetings and ask for a vote of approval from the members present.
3) The president shall call meetings of the executive council as deemed necessary.
4) The Testing Chairperson shall be responsible for the AATG National High School Testing Program.
5) In case of a vacancy, the president, with the approval of the Executive Council, shall appoint a replacement to fill the remainder of the term.
Article VI: Quorum
The members present at any meeting announced not less than two weeks before the meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII: Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-third vote at any meeting, provided the amendment has been mailed to all members not less than two weeks before the meeting date.
Article VIII: Dissolution of Chapter
The Chapter may be dissolved only
1) at a special meeting called for that purpose
2) through a vote by a majority of the remaining members of the Chapter
3) through clear evidence that the Chapter no longer is active.
No member of the chapter shall be entitled to any distribution or diversion of its remaining property or proceeds. The balance of the money, other property or assets received by the Chapter from any source shall be distributed for exempt purposes to qualifying charitable beneficiaries, preferably the national organization, the American Association of Teachers of German, which is registered as a 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Approved, October 19, 2007 Amended, October 27, 2011 Amended, Novemer 18, 2016
Constitution Committee: Barbara Oberding, Karen Hager, Grace Whelan
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